Most disciplines in facility management are going green these days, and for good reason. Green solutions and practices deliver occupational and environmental safety benefits and at the same time can often create operational efficiency.
Commercial & Industrial cleaning and sanitizing is no exception to this trend. Green cleaning and sanitizing can generate cost-savings, provide greater convenience in obtaining solutions and eliminate the use of harsh chemicals at the facility, which often have negative environmental and safety impacts.
The use of AQUAOX™ ECA generated Hypochlorous acid (HOCL) offers facilities a safe, cost effective alternative to current cleaning and sanitation products. HOCL is a productivity and profitability enhancing quality assurance tool for the optimization of facilities.
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Applications Commercial & Industrial cleaning
The facilty industry constantly strives to reduce contamination from bacteria, spores, viruses, fungi, yeast and mould.
EW can be used for the following applications:
- Disinfection and Cleaning of production areas
- Decontamination/Disinfection of process water.
- Hard Surface Cleaning and Disinfection
- Electrostatic Spraying

Benefits to the Facility Industry
- Effective infection control and prevention with no adverse effects on human health and the environment.
- Optimized cleaning and disinfecting with improved operational efficiencies.
- Greater comprehensive area coverage in less time than competitive systems and devices.
- EPA/ ECHA registered, ready-to-use, non-corrosive, broad spectrum (hospital) disinfectants.
- Proprietary designed Electrostatic sprayers. 300% better spray penetration and coverage on all surfaces.
- Leaves no residue.
- Hospital grade split-fiber microfiber products for reduced HAI’s, labor and chemical cost.

Did you know?
- AQUAOX ECA generated Hypochlorous acid (HOCL) will be a major weapon in the battle for infection control acting swiftly and safely against all classes of hazardous microbes. The fluid is made from environmentally safe and sustainable materials, and can be used for surface disinfection and decontamination as well as dosing into water systems.
- AQUAOX ECA generated Sodium Hydroxide (NaOH) is a powerful detergent that has a wide range of uses within any cleaning process.
- AQUAOX ECA generated Hypochlorous acid (HOCL) and Sodium Hydroxide (NaOH) is used in spray bottles with microfiber cloths for all hard surface cleaning and disinfection such as floors, doors, handrails, tables, chairs, toilets, monitors and switches.
- AQUAOX proprietary designed air-assisted electrostatic sprayers quickly decontaminate and disinfect large areas, difficult to reach spaces and high-traffic areas.
- 4-10 times better coverage resulting in reduced manpower costs.